Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2014

Give Apache Own User

Add a user (who isn’t root)
Add a new user to the wheel and apache groups. The wheel group gives root/sudo access. The apache group allows both user and apache to write to your website files. The -G tells useradd we want to add to multiple groups. Sam is the username in this example.
useradd -G wheel,apache us3r
passwd us3r
Set directory and file permissions
Make apache the owner of /var/www. The -R makes the ownership changes recursive (apply to all files and directories within /var/www.
The syntax here is user:group. All users automatically have a group of the same name (e.g. user sam has a group called sam).
chown -R apache:apache /var/www
Change the permissions to give the owner (apache) and members of the apache group write permission (775).
find /var/www/ -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \;
find /var/www/ -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;
Now resecure /var/www by giving it back to root or the user you created earlier.
chown root:root /var/www
View/confirm directory ownership/permissions with the ls -lcommand.
ls -l /var
ls -l /var/www
If you prefer editing long config files via S/FTP in a desktop text editor like Coda, take ownership of the following.
chown sam:sam /etc/php.ini 
chown sam:sam /etc/my.cnf 
chown -R sam:sam /etc/php.d
chown -R sam:sam /etc/httpd
Give your new user root privileges
Start by using a special text editor visudo by issuing the following command.
Enable the wheel group by uncommenting the following line like so.
## Allows people in group wheel to run all commands
%wheel        ALL=(ALL)       ALL
Alternatively, uncomment the next line to enable the wheel group and allow these user to become root without having to renenter their password.
## Same thing without a password
%wheel        ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD: ALL
Now logout of your SSH session, then test logging in as the new user.
ssh sam@YOUR_IP_HERE
Test that the new user can become root.
sudo su -
The # should change to & and the user should show root@YOUR_HOSTNAME. Now logout of root to get back to your user.
For reference, you can also execute single line commands as root by prefixing with sudo e.g.
sudo visudo


Rabu, 22 Oktober 2014

SQL Debet, Kredit, Saldo

mysql> select @s:=0;
| @s:=0 |
|     0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select @k:=if(kode="k",nominal,0) as Kredit,@d:=if(kode="d",nominal,0) as
 debet, @s:=@s+@k-@d as saldo from trx;
| Kredit | debet | saldo |
|   3434 |     0 |  3434 |
|   3434 |     0 |  6868 |
|   4434 |     0 | 11302 |
|      0 |   544 | 10758 |
|      0 |   453 | 10305 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
belong to:

Foto Propades